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12 Prepper Gift Ideas for Under $50

December 13, 2012


Christmas Tree

As preppers and homesteaders, we stay very busy preparing for an uncertain future and maintaining our little slice of creation. Unfortunately sometimes that means some other customary activities get deferred to the another day. We don’t necessarily like it but that’s the way it is sometimes. If that’s been the case for your Christmas shopping, […]

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Teaching Your Kids to Homestead

November 26, 2012


Teaching Your Children to Homestead

Our oldest son grabbed his fixed blade knife along with a few other necessities for the task at hand and joined me at our processing station. We had a couple of drakes (male ducks) and a rooster that were destined for soup jars and our oldest was ready to help. It wasn’t always that way, […]

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What is the Golden Horde?

October 30, 2012


The Golden Horde

Consider something for a moment. Think about a significant, life-as-we-know-it altering event, sometimes called TEOTWAWKI. The End of the World as We Know It It could be a massive power outage caused by a natural or manmade electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that affects at least 1/2 of the nation. Maybe it’s a major seismic event along […]

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6 Reasons to Have Your Own Food Storage

October 4, 2012


storing food

For far too long, keeping an emergency food supply was seen as something that was only done by paranoid people waiting for the end of the world, or something similar. In recent years however, there has certainly been a boom in the amount of people who have realized the importance of being prepared.

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Including Children in the Discussion, part 1

October 1, 2012


Talking to your kids about prepping

“Why don’t Iran and Israel like each other?” That’s how a recent conversation started at our dinner table. Our oldest daughter asked the question following a short discussion about recent world events. How’s that for a dinnertime conversation with your kids? A while back, I wrote a series of topics related to prepping with children.  It […]

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Reader Spotlight: Can Morality Be Legislated?

August 30, 2012


A reader chimes in on legislating morality

Last week, I asked you a question: Can morality be legislated? Steve S, quickly commented on the post with a great perspective. Often, people don’t take the time to scroll down and read the comments of a post so I’ve taken the liberty of highlighting his response here. According to Steve S. The short answer is […]

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Follow Up: Can Morality Be Legislated?

August 28, 2012


What is the purpose of the law

Last week, I posed a question. Can morality be legislated? In it, I encouraged you to draw a distinction between two types of laws. Two Types of Laws Some laws are designed to protect a person’s liberties. For example, laws that prohibit stealing or murder are designed to protect a victim from having their liberties infringed […]

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Can Morality Be Legislated?

August 23, 2012


legislating morality

Today, I’d like to explore a topic that, while not directly related to prepping, does influence the direction that the United States is heading and thus it also affects our need for prepping. My intent for this post is to challenge your thinking and start a conversation in the comments section below. How about it? Are […]

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A Time to Stop and Think about Survival

August 10, 2012


Who are the great thinkers of history? Aristotle. Newton. DaVinci. These names quickly come to mind. There were many, many others as well. Some names we may recognize. Others may have been forgotten by history. Still throughout the ages, men and women have challenged conventional wisdom and have thought deeply about the questions that consumed […]

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Top Emergency Essentials Needed for Survival

June 6, 2012


Surviving in the mountains

The risks to our comfortable way of life today are obvious, significant, and numerous. So much so that crisis preparedness is now a booming market niche. If you are not yet in the growing mainstream demographic of those working to achieve some level of self-sufficiency and preparedness, then have a look at these realistic, baseline parameters that can help you get started with your logistical contingency planning

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